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Point Health Metrics

Based on the sample types you request access to, Point listeners automatically track these health samples, and processes them into a clean, normalized data format readily available for analysis.

These are called Point health metrics. You can power your app features based on real-time changes to this health data.

Supported Sample Types

Use setupHealthkitIntegration (for Apple Health Kit samples) and similar Point SDK and API functions (for other devices) to begin tracking specific types of health data.

Below is a full list of supported health sample types:

Sample TypeDescriptionAssociated Health Metrics
restingHeartRateResting heart rate is the beats per minute while your body is at rest, ideally not having performed physical exercise within the last 1-2 hours.RestingHR
heartRateHeart rate samples are time series of the your heart rate throughout the course of the day, as measured in beats per minute (bpm).

For Apple Health samples, the time series resolution (aka frequency) is increased during periods of activity. For other devices, the time series resolution is in 1 minute increments.
activeEnergyBurnedActive energy burned measures your total calories burned during workouts.ActiveCalories
basalEnergyBurnedBasal energy burned measures your total calories burned outside of workouts.BasalCalories
workoutWorkout events, like running, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), and more.

Workout types between devices are automatically normalized into roughly 80 workout types - see this table for a complete list of workout types.
heartRateVariabilitySDNNHeart rate variability is the measure of difference between heart beats. This is regulated by the nervous system and controls when your body goes from sympathetic (think fight or flight mode) and parasympathetic (relaxation) systems.HRV
vo2MaxVO2 Max measures the maximum amount of oxygen utilized during intense physical activity.Vo2Max
stepCountCounts the number of steps you take throughout the day.MovementLevel
mindfulSessionTracks events like meditation and other mindful sessions.MindfulMinutes
sleepAnalysisTracks sleep data, like sleep duration, time-to-fall asleep, and other sleep characteristics.SleepDuration
dailyActivitySummaryFitbit and Oura only. Tracks activity statistics for a given day, like total calories burned, steps taken, etc.RestingHR
activityTimeSeriesFitbit only. Tracks activity statistics across multiple days, like total calories burned, steps taken, etc.TotalCalories
bodyMassTracks your weight.Weight
profileTracks additional profile data, like age, gender, and other user characteristics.Weight

Wearables Compatibility Chart

Different wearable devices offer different subsets of the above sample types.

đź“ť When receiving multiple instances of the same health data from different devices, Point automatically selects the majority device type for that metric over the last 3 days.

Below is a full compatibility chart of available sample types for each device family:

Sample TypeApple HealthKitFitbitOura
heartRate✅only with explicit permission from Fitbit✖️

Available Health Metrics

Point automatically parses the raw data formats for sample types into processed health metrics, which are more convenient for powering product features.

Below is a complete list of available health metrics with the Point SDK and API:

CategoryMetricPrint-friendly NameDescription
BodyWeightWeightCurrent weight that day, as logged via your wearable device.
Heart RateRestingHRResting Heart RateResting heart rate is the beats per minute while your body is at rest, ideally not having performed physical exercise within the last 1-2 hours.
Heart RateOneMinuteHRROne-minute Heart Rate RecoveryHeart rate recovery is a measurement of how much the heart rate falls for 1 minute after completing an exercise, measured as the decrease in beats per minute.
Heart RateThreeMinuteHRRThree-minute Heart Rate RecoveryHeart rate recovery is a measurement of how much the heart rate falls for 3 minute after completing an exercise, measured as the decrease in beats per minute.
RecoveryHRVHeart Rate VariabilityHeart rate variability is the measure of difference between heart beats. This is regulated by the nervous system and controls when your body goes from sympathetic (think fight or flight mode) and parasympathetic (relaxation) systems.
RecoveryMindfulMinutesMindful MinutesMindfulness is the practice of focusing the mind on a particular object, thought or activity to train awareness and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. This metric measures the total time spent being mindful each day.
ActivityActiveCaloriesActive CaloriesTotal daily calories burned from working out.
ActivityBasalCaloriesBasal CaloriesTotal daily calories burned while at-rest.
ActivityTotalCaloriesTotal CaloriesTotal daily calories burned.
ActivityMovementLevelMovement LevelTotal daily step count over the course of the day.
WorkoutsWorkoutCaloriesWorkout CaloriesTotal calories burned during a specific workout.
WorkoutsWorkoutDistanceWorkout DistanceTotal distance traveled (ran, hiked, biked, etc.) during a specific workout.
WorkoutsWorkoutDurationWorkout DurationDuration of a specific workout, in minutes.
WorkoutsDailyWorkoutDurationDaily Workout DurationTotal amount of physical activity today, in minutes.
WorkoutsTotalWorkoutDurationWeekly Workout DurationTotal amount of physical activity this week, in minutes.
WorkoutsExertionRateExertion RateAverage exertion rate during a specific workout, as measured in calories burned per minute.
WorkoutsWeeklyExertionRateWeekly Average Exertion RateAverage exertion rate based on exercise activity for the week, as measured in calories burned per minute.
WorkoutsAvgWorkoutHRAverage Workout Heart RateAverage heart rate during the workout, as measured in beats per minute.
WorkoutsWeeklyAvgWorkoutHRWeekly Average Workout Heart RateAverage heart rate based on exercise activity for the week, as measured in beats per minute.
WorkoutsMinWorkoutHRMinimum Workout Heart RateLowest heart rate during the workout, as measured in beats per minute.
WorkoutsMaxWorkoutHRMaximum Workout Heart RateHighest heart rate during the workout, as measured in beats per minute.
WorkoutsWorkoutMinsHRZone1Workout Minutes in HR Zone 1Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during a workout.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zone 1 is ideal for using fat as an energy source during fitness activities and helps sustain long periods of exercise. It’s measured at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate.
WorkoutsWorkoutMinsHRZone2Workout Minutes in HR Zone 2Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during a workout.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zone 2 is ideal for using fat as an energy source during fitness activities and helps sustain long periods of exercise. It’s measured at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.
WorkoutsWorkoutMinsHRZone3Workout Minutes in HR Zone 3Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during a workout.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zone 3 is ideal for using carbohydrates as an energy source during fitness activities. It’s great for enhancing aerobic power and increasing anaerobic tolerance. It’s measured at 70-80% of your max heart rate.
WorkoutsWorkoutMinsHRZone4Workout Minutes in HR Zone 4Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during a workout.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zone 4 is ideal for using carbohydrates as an energy source during fitness activities. It’s great for enhancing aerobic power and increasing anaerobic tolerance. It’s measured at 80-90% of your max heart rate.
WorkoutsWorkoutMinsHRZone5Workout Minutes in HR Zone 5Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the day.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zone 5 (the most intensive HR Zone) is typically not recommended, and even experienced athletes should aim to spend no more than 20 minutes a day in this zone. It’s measured at 90-100% of your maximum heart rate.
WorkoutsWorkoutMinsHRZone12Workout Minutes in HR Zones 1-2Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during a workout.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zones 1-2 are ideal for using fat as an energy source during fitness activities and helps sustain long periods of exercise. It’s measured at 50-70% of your maximum heart rate.
WorkoutsWorkoutMinsHRZone23Workout Minutes in HR Zones 2-3Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during a workout.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zones 2-3 are ideal for improving blood circulation and helps sustain long periods of exercise. It’s measured at 50-70% of your maximum heart rate.
WorkoutsWorkoutMinsHRZone34Workout Minutes in HR Zones 3-4Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during a workout.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zones 3-4 are ideal for using carbohydrates as an energy source during fitness activities. It’s great for enhancing aerobic power and increasing anaerobic tolerance. It’s measured at 70-90% of your max heart rate.
WorkoutsWorkoutMinsHRZone45Workout Minutes in HR Zone 4-5Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during a workout.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zones 4-5 are the most intense zones, and are measured at 80-100% of your max heart rate.
Workout IntensityVo2MaxVO2 MaxVO2 Max measures the maximum amount of oxygen utilized during intense physical activity.
Workout IntensityMinsHRZone1Daily Minutes in HR Zone 1Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the day.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zone 1 is ideal for using fat as an energy source during fitness activities and helps sustain long periods of exercise. It’s measured at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate.
Workout IntensityMinsHRZone2Daily Minutes in HR Zone 2Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the day.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zone 2 is ideal for using fat as an energy source during fitness activities and helps sustain long periods of exercise. It’s measured at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate.
Workout IntensityMinsHRZone3Daily Minutes in HR Zone 3Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the day.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zone 3 is ideal for using carbohydrates as an energy source during fitness activities. It’s great for enhancing aerobic power and increasing anaerobic tolerance. It’s measured at 70-80% of your max heart rate.
Workout IntensityMinsHRZone4Daily Minutes in HR Zone 4Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the day.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zone 4 is ideal for using carbohydrates as an energy source during fitness activities. It’s great for enhancing aerobic power and increasing anaerobic tolerance. It’s measured at 80-90% of your max heart rate.
Workout IntensityMinsHRZone5Daily Minutes in HR Zone 5Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the day.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zone 5 (the most intensive HR Zone) is typically not recommended, and even experienced athletes should aim to spend no more than 20 minutes a day in this zone. It’s measured at 90-100% of your maximum heart rate.
Workout IntensityMinsHRZone12Daily Minutes in HR Zones 1-2Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the day.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zones 1-2 are ideal for using fat as an energy source during fitness activities and helps sustain long periods of exercise. It’s measured at 50-70% of your maximum heart rate.
Workout IntensityMinsHRZone23Daily Minutes in HR Zones 2-3Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the day.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zones 2-3 are ideal for improving blood circulation and helps sustain long periods of exercise. It’s measured at 50-70% of your maximum heart rate.
Workout IntensityMinsHRZone34Daily Minutes in HR Zones 3-4Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the day.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zones 3-4 are ideal for using carbohydrates as an energy source during fitness activities. It’s great for enhancing aerobic power and increasing anaerobic tolerance. It’s measured at 70-90% of your max heart rate.
Workout IntensityMinsHRZone45Daily Minutes in HR Zone 4-5Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during a workout.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zones 4-5 are the most intense zones, and are measured at 80-100% of your max heart rate.
Workout IntensityTotalMinsHRZone12Total Weekly Minutes in HR Zones 1-2Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the week.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zones 1-2 are ideal for using fat as an energy source during fitness activities and helps sustain long periods of exercise. It’s measured at 50-70% of your maximum heart rate.
Workout IntensityTotalMinsHRZone34Total Weekly Minutes in HR Zones 3-4Based on your maximum heart rate, HR Zones monitor how hard your body is working during fitness activities over the course of the week.

These zones indicate which “fuel” your body is burning and can be useful when targeting fat burning exercise or athletic performance. Heart rate zone training is an effective way of regulating workout or exercise intensity to yield weight loss or performance goals.

Zones 3-4 are ideal for using carbohydrates as an energy source during fitness activities. It’s great for enhancing aerobic power and increasing anaerobic tolerance. It’s measured at 70-90% of your max heart rate.
SleepSleepDurationSleep DurationThe total time spent sleeping in the past 24 hours since you woke up (either asleep, or in bed).
SleepSleepDurationInbedSleep Duration (in bed)The total time spent in bed in the past 24 hours since you woke up - this metric reflects the time you lie in bed (not necessarily when you definitively fall asleep) and therefore is not as accurate as sleep duration tracked via a wearable. Knowing your sleep time and time “in bed” is helpful for being aware of any potential deficiencies when it comes to proper recovery.
SleepSleepDurationAsleepSleep Duration (asleep)The total time spent sleeping in the past 24 hours since you woke up - this metric reflects the time you’re definitively asleep, via a wearable. Knowing your sleep time and time “in bed” is helpful for being aware of any potential deficiencies when it comes to proper recovery.
SleepSleepEfficiencySleep EfficiencyYour sleep efficiency score, measured as the percentage of the time you were actually sleep for (after accounting for how long it took you to fall asleep).
SleepSleepLatencySleep LatencyThe amount of time it took you to fall asleep, after getting into bed.
SleepSleepRestlessnessSleep RestlessnessYour sleep restlessness score, measured as the percentage of the time you were moving during sleep.
SleepSleepStageDeepSleep Duration (deep sleep)Total time spent in deep sleep.
SleepSleepStageLightSleep Duration (light sleep)Total time spent in light sleep.
SleepSleepStageREMSleep Duration (REM sleep)Total time spent in REM sleep.
SleepSleepStageWakeSleep Duration (awake)Total time spent restless in bed, but not definitively asleep.

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